Jamie's Adventures!
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     Sadly the rumours of my return to England have not been exaggerated. On the morning of the 5th Day, having covered 325 miles in 4 days, I woke up with a fairly annoying pain in my right knee. It got a lot worse so over the next 3 days I tried to track down some medical advice, and when I finally did it became apparent that I would not be able to complete the tour, and so had to come home. Below is the first half of my diary from the week. If you dont fancy reading it all then check out the Route and Photos for the short version...

     So here we are at the second part of my diary from my first attempt at the bike tour. So far I have got rained on a lot, missed a ferry, arrived in France at 23:00, camped in a very small bare patch of a farmers field and got knocked off my bike. If you missed all this then check out 'Rumours Of My Return, Part 1'. Now to check out the second part of my diary...